Baykal HGL-3106 market details

Of all the Baykal HGL-3106 models listed 100.00% have been listed by professional machinery sellers, 0.00% by private businesses. There are currently 2 items for HGL-3106 listed in Australia from 1 professional sellers and 0 private businesses.

Historically Baykal HGL-3106 models have been listed between $29,950 and $59,950, averaging at $41,639. The current average price of a HGL-3106 listing is $57,200.

Baykal HGL-3106 models are historically listed by sellers in and Metal Guillotine categories. Baykal HGL-3106 models make up % of historic Metal Guillotine enquiries, and % of all Baykal enquiries.

The most common years of Baykal HGL-3106 manufacture listed are: and 2025.

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Search Results
HGL-3106 Hydraulic Swing Beam Guillotine - EURO 3060 x 6mm Mild Steel Shearing Capacity 1-Axis NC Cy
New HGL-3106 Hydraulic Swing Beam Guillotine - EURO 3060 x 6mm Mild Steel Shearing Capacity 1-Axis NC Cy
$54,450 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
Other BAYKAL Metalworking Machinery
HGL-3106 Hydraulic Swing Beam Guillotine - EURO 3060 x 6mm Mild Steel Shearing Capacity Cybelec Cybt
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$59,950 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
APHS-31120 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 120T x 3100mm, 5 Axis, Delem DA66T Touch Screen Control Includes
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$99,950 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
APHS PRO-31120 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 120T x 3100mm, 5 Axis, Delem DA66T Touch Screen Control Incl
New APHS PRO-31120 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 120T x 3100mm, 5 Axis, Delem DA66T Touch Screen Control Incl
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European Made
PERFORMATEC - Hydraulic Press Brake (Baykal APHE - 120 - 200 tonne)
New PERFORMATEC - Hydraulic Press Brake (Baykal APHE - 120 - 200 tonne)
NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC - Delivers Nationally
APHS-31120 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 120T x 3100mm, 7 Axis, Delem DA69T Touch Screen Control Includes
New APHS-31120 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 120T x 3100mm, 7 Axis, Delem DA69T Touch Screen Control Includes
$134,950 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
APHS PRO 31200 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 200T x 3100mm, 5 Axis, Delem DA69T Touch Screen Control Incl
New APHS PRO 31200 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 200T x 3100mm, 5 Axis, Delem DA69T Touch Screen Control Incl
$135,950 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
In Stock
PERFORMATEC - Fibre Laser Cutter (Baykal BLE PRO - 1 - 6kW)
New PERFORMATEC - Fibre Laser Cutter (Baykal BLE PRO - 1 - 6kW)
NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC - Delivers Nationally
APHS PRO 41200 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 200T x 4100mm, 5 Axis, Delem DA69T Touch Screen Control Incl
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$153,950 Ex GST
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New APHS PRO 31200 Hydraulic CNC Pressbrake 200T x 3100mm, 7 Axis, Delem DA69T Touch Screen Control Incl
$148,950 Ex GST
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NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC - Delivers Nationally
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NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC - Delivers Nationally
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