Caterpillar D4 market details

Of all the Caterpillar D4 models listed % have been listed by professional machinery sellers, % by private businesses. There are currently items for D4 listed in Australia from professional sellers and private businesses.

Historically Caterpillar D4 models have been listed between $33,500 and $89,000, averaging at $60,540. The current average price of a D4 listing is $.

Caterpillar D4 models are historically listed by sellers in Crawler Loader and Dozer categories. Caterpillar D4 models make up % of historic Crawler Loader enquiries, and % of all Caterpillar enquiries.

The most common years of Caterpillar D4 manufacture listed are: .

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Search Results
In Stock
Ingersoll Rand 1207MAX-D4 1/2
New Ingersoll Rand 1207MAX-D4 1/2" Square Drive 65ft-lb Air Ratchet
$643 Ex GST
WA, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC - Delivers Nationally
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2010 HXW D4 Quad Axle Dog Tipper
Used 2010 HXW D4 Quad Axle Dog Tipper
For Auction
Quality machine
2008 Caterpillar 740 Dump Truck - 469 HP, Heavy Duty Hauling
Used 2008 Caterpillar 740 Dump Truck - 469 HP, Heavy Duty Hauling
$80,000 Ex GST
QLD - Delivers Nationally
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