Ceccato CSA15-270 market details

Of all the Ceccato CSA15-270 models listed 100.00% have been listed by professional machinery sellers, 0.00% by private businesses. There are currently 1 items for CSA15-270 listed in Australia from 1 professional sellers and 0 private businesses.

Historically Ceccato CSA15-270 models have been listed between $4,750 and $6,200, averaging at $5,638. The current average price of a CSA15-270 listing is $4,750.

Ceccato CSA15-270 models are historically listed by sellers in and Air Compressor categories. Ceccato CSA15-270 models make up % of historic Air Compressor enquiries, and % of all Ceccato enquiries.

The most common years of Ceccato CSA15-270 manufacture listed are: and 2012.

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Search Results
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Ceccato Fully serviced CSA15-270 rotary screw compressor
Used Ceccato Fully serviced CSA15-270 rotary screw compressor
$4,750 Ex GST
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EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 30hp / 22kW rotary screw air compressor with tank dryer & filters
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$24,600 Ex GST
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EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 20hp / 15kW rotary screw air compressor with tank dryer & filters
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WAS $18,721
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EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 15hp / 11kW rotary screw air compressor tank dryer & filters
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EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED - 20hp / 15kW VSD DD rotary screw air compressor tank dryer & filters
New EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED - 20hp / 15kW VSD DD rotary screw air compressor tank dryer & filters
WAS $27,450
NOW $19,950 Ex GST
NSW - Delivers Nationally
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EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 20hp / 15kW rotary screw air compressor with tank, dryer & filters
New EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 20hp / 15kW rotary screw air compressor with tank, dryer & filters
$18,721 Ex GST
NSW - Delivers Nationally
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EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 10hp / 7.5kW rotary screw air compressor with tank, dryer & filters
New EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 10hp / 7.5kW rotary screw air compressor with tank, dryer & filters
WAS $14,503
NOW $11,602 Ex GST
NSW - Delivers Nationally
EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 25hp / 18.5kW rotary screw air compressor with tank, dryer & filters
New EUROPEAN MANUFACTURED CECCATO - 25hp / 18.5kW rotary screw air compressor with tank, dryer & filters
$23,600 Ex GST
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Used Screw air Compressor CSC50 8 bar 50hp 37KW
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Ceccato MSA15 Fully Serviced Rotary Screw Compressor
Used Ceccato MSA15 Fully Serviced Rotary Screw Compressor
$7,250 Ex GST
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