Cleanfix is a Swedish brand the specializes in designing and manufacturing top of the line cleaning machines for professional and commercial use. The company was established way back in 1976 in Henau, Switzerland, where it initially serve its purpose as an importer of spray extraction machines. Overtime, Cleanfix have observed a steady growth in its product line and seen a consistent expansion with its global network. As of now, the company distributes its critically-acclaimed technology and equipment i over 85 countries worldwide, including Australia.

Cleanfix carpet cleaning machine -Well maintained and Ready for Work!
Used Cleanfix carpet cleaning machine -Well maintained and Ready for Work!
$3,000 Ex GST
Cleanfix Reversible Fans C162/8 - Efficient Airflow, Versatile Operation
New Agricultural Fans
Cleanfix RA505 IBCT Battery Scrubber
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix - S10 PLUS
New Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
Cleanfix RA433IBC Battery Scrubber
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix RA431IBC Battery Scrubber
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix RA431E - 240V Scrubber
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix RA410B Battery Scrubber
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix RA410E 240 Volt Scrubber
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix RA395 IBC Battery Scrubber
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix KS1200B - Sweeper
New Industrial Sweepers
Cleanfix RA431B - Walk Behind Scrubber
Used Scrubbers
New Scrubbers
Cleanfix - SW60 / Wet & Dry
New Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
Cleanfix - BS360 Upright Vac
New Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
Cleanfix - SW21 / Wet & Dry
New Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

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