Hafco LP-900 market details

Of all the Hafco LP-900 models listed 100.00% have been listed by professional machinery sellers, 0.00% by private businesses. There are currently 1 items for LP-900 listed in Australia from 1 professional sellers and 0 private businesses.

Historically Hafco LP-900 models have been listed between $ and $, averaging at $. The current average price of a LP-900 listing is $70.

Hafco LP-900 models are historically listed by sellers in categories. Hafco LP-900 models make up % of historic enquiries, and % of all Hafco enquiries.

The most common years of Hafco LP-900 manufacture listed are: and 2025.

Buyers who enquired on Hafco LP-900 models have also recently enquired on:

Search Results
LP-900 Industrial Wall Backing Panels - Louvre Type 900 x 456 x 20mm - 2 Piece Suits Plastic Buckets
New LP-900 Industrial Wall Backing Panels - Louvre Type 900 x 456 x 20mm - 2 Piece Suits Plastic Buckets
$70 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TPS-KIT1 Professional Series Tool Chest & Roller Cabinet - Package Deal 8 Drawers and a hutch
New TPS-KIT1 Professional Series Tool Chest & Roller Cabinet - Package Deal 8 Drawers and a hutch
$1,950 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TIS-267 Industrial Series Roller Cabinet 7 Drawers
New TIS-267 Industrial Series Roller Cabinet 7 Drawers
$408 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TPS-7214 Professional Series Roller Cabinet 14 Drawers
New TPS-7214 Professional Series Roller Cabinet 14 Drawers
$1,817 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TDL-KIT1 Deluxe Series Tool Chest & Roller Cabinet - Package Deal 11 Drawers
New TDL-KIT1 Deluxe Series Tool Chest & Roller Cabinet - Package Deal 11 Drawers
$817 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TDL-4411 Deluxe Series Roller Cabinet 11 Drawers
New TDL-4411 Deluxe Series Roller Cabinet 11 Drawers
$817 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TIS-263 Industrial Series Tool Chest 3 Drawers and a hutch
New TIS-263 Industrial Series Tool Chest 3 Drawers and a hutch
$290 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TDL-447 Deluxe Series Tool Chest 7 Drawers and a top lid
New TDL-447 Deluxe Series Tool Chest 7 Drawers and a top lid
$512 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TPS-568C Professional Series Tool Chest 8 Drawers and a top lid
New TPS-568C Professional Series Tool Chest 8 Drawers and a top lid
$835 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TIS-KIT1 Industrial Series Tool Chest & Roller Cabinet - Package Deal 10 Drawers and a hutch
New TIS-KIT1 Industrial Series Tool Chest & Roller Cabinet - Package Deal 10 Drawers and a hutch
$635 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TIS-429 Industrial Series Roller Cabinet 9 Drawers
New TIS-429 Industrial Series Roller Cabinet 9 Drawers
$672 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
DIV-100W Steel Divider 193 x 65mm Suits SC-200 with 100mm Drawers
New DIV-100W Steel Divider 193 x 65mm Suits SC-200 with 100mm Drawers
$5 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TDL-284 Deluxe Series Tool Chest 4 Drawers and a hutch
New TDL-284 Deluxe Series Tool Chest 4 Drawers and a hutch
$317 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TWS-622 Professional Series Mobile Work Station 10 Drawers and a cupboard Wooden Bench Top 1150 x 7
New TWS-622 Professional Series Mobile Work Station 10 Drawers and a cupboard Wooden Bench Top 1150 x 7
$999 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
SPH-100 Hook - Single Prong Suits A426, T790, T773 & A412
New SPH-100 Hook - Single Prong Suits A426, T790, T773 & A412
$2 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
IBP-12 Industrial Backing Panel - Bench Mount 1133 x 205 x 825mm Suits IWB-12 Work Bench
New IBP-12 Industrial Backing Panel - Bench Mount 1133 x 205 x 825mm Suits IWB-12 Work Bench
$170 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
RSS-4WS Industrial Steel Shelving 364kg Shelf Load Capacity 1955 x 610 x 1830mm
New RSS-4WS Industrial Steel Shelving 364kg Shelf Load Capacity 1955 x 610 x 1830mm
$270 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TCW-900NP Industrial Mobile Tooling Cabinet with Backing Panel Package Deal 565 x 580 x 1400mm 100kg
New TCW-900NP Industrial Mobile Tooling Cabinet with Backing Panel Package Deal 565 x 580 x 1400mm 100kg
$720 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TCW-954WP Industrial Mobile Tooling Cabinet with Backing Panel Package Deal 723 x 653 x 1454mm 100kg
New TCW-954WP Industrial Mobile Tooling Cabinet with Backing Panel Package Deal 723 x 653 x 1454mm 100kg
$900 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
PSC-2W Plastic Service Cart 2 Trays 1170 x 652 x 840mm
New PSC-2W Plastic Service Cart 2 Trays 1170 x 652 x 840mm
$190 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TCW-954W Industrial Mobile Tooling Cabinet 723 x 653 x 954mm 100kg per Drawer
New TCW-954W Industrial Mobile Tooling Cabinet 723 x 653 x 954mm 100kg per Drawer
$840 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
BK-75S Plastic Bucket 75 x 75 x 46mm
New BK-75S Plastic Bucket 75 x 75 x 46mm
$5 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
SPH-75 Hook - Single Prong Suits A426, T790, T773 & A412
New SPH-75 Hook - Single Prong Suits A426, T790, T773 & A412
$2 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
IWB-40P5 Industrial Work Bench Package Deal 1800 x 750 x 1725mm 1000kg Table Top Load Capacity
New IWB-40P5 Industrial Work Bench Package Deal 1800 x 750 x 1725mm 1000kg Table Top Load Capacity
$1,540 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
WVF-265 Wood Working Vice Guides - End or Front Mount 265mm Jaw Width Quick Release, 330mm Maximum
New WVF-265 Wood Working Vice Guides - End or Front Mount 265mm Jaw Width Quick Release, 330mm Maximum
$77 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
WBS-3D Steel Work Bench - 3 x Lockable Drawers 2000 x 640 x 870mm 500kg Table Top Load Capacity
New WBS-3D Steel Work Bench - 3 x Lockable Drawers 2000 x 640 x 870mm 500kg Table Top Load Capacity
$490 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
LP-900P Industrial Louvre Wall Backing Panels Package Deal 900 x 456 x 20mm - 2 Piece Includes 43 Pl
New LP-900P Industrial Louvre Wall Backing Panels Package Deal 900 x 456 x 20mm - 2 Piece Includes 43 Pl
$390 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
SC-1800 Industrial Storage Cupboard 900 x 450 x 1800mm 150kg Shelf Load Capacity & 75kg Drawer Capac
New SC-1800 Industrial Storage Cupboard 900 x 450 x 1800mm 150kg Shelf Load Capacity & 75kg Drawer Capac
$720 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
SDC-5E Steel Service Cart - Deluxe 5 Drawers 320kg Total Load Capacity
New SDC-5E Steel Service Cart - Deluxe 5 Drawers 320kg Total Load Capacity
$432 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
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