Of all the Nissan PL02A25U models listed 97.73% have been listed by professional machinery sellers, 2.27% by private businesses. There are currently 3 items for PL02A25U listed in Australia from 3 professional sellers and 0 private businesses.
Historically Nissan PL02A25U models have been listed between $4,000 and $17,600, averaging at $12,925. The current average price of a PL02A25U listing is $9,833.
Nissan PL02A25U models are historically listed by sellers in and Counterbalance Forklifts categories. Nissan PL02A25U models make up % of historic Counterbalance Forklifts enquiries, and % of all Nissan enquiries.
The most common years of Nissan PL02A25U manufacture listed are: 2004, 2006 and 2007.
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