Orwak 5070 market details

Of all the Orwak 5070 models listed 90.00% have been listed by professional machinery sellers, 10.00% by private businesses. There are currently 3 items for 5070 listed in Australia from 1 professional sellers and 0 private businesses.

Historically Orwak 5070 models have been listed between $4,000 and $21,855, averaging at $11,871. The current average price of a 5070 listing is $19,366.

Orwak 5070 models are historically listed by sellers in Material Balers and Waste Compactors categories. Orwak 5070 models make up % of historic Material Balers enquiries, and % of all Orwak enquiries.

The most common years of Orwak 5070 manufacture listed are: 2025, 2011 and 2020.

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Search Results
In Stock
ORWAK Multi 5070-Combi | Baler and Compactor | Cardboard, Plastic, Aluminium
New ORWAK Multi 5070-Combi | Baler and Compactor | Cardboard, Plastic, Aluminium
$20,419 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
Orwak   Multi 5070 Combi Baler
Used Orwak Multi 5070 Combi Baler
$4,500 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
ORWAK Multi 5070 HDC | Baler and Compactor | multi material
New ORWAK Multi 5070 HDC | Baler and Compactor | multi material
$21,855 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
Other ORWAK Material Balers
Orwak 5070-2 | Baler and Compactor | Multi Chamber Plastic, Aluminium, Cardboard Baler
New Orwak 5070-2 | Baler and Compactor | Multi Chamber Plastic, Aluminium, Cardboard Baler
$15,825 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
Orwak Horizontal 450 AT -500 S AT Baler
New Orwak Horizontal 450 AT -500 S AT Baler
$150,000 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
ORWAK Power 3620 | Baler and Compactor | EXTRA STRENGTH
New ORWAK Power 3620 | Baler and Compactor | EXTRA STRENGTH
$27,444 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
Orwak   Vertical 3500 Baler
New Orwak Vertical 3500 Baler
$33,000 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
ORWAK HORIZONTAL | Mill size Baler and Compactor | With AUTO TIE | 800kg
New ORWAK HORIZONTAL | Mill size Baler and Compactor | With AUTO TIE | 800kg
VIC - Delivers Nationally
ORWAK Compact 3115 | Cardboard / Plastic Baler and Compactor
New ORWAK Compact 3115 | Cardboard / Plastic Baler and Compactor
$9,544 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
ORWAK HORIZONTAL mill size baler AUTO TIE 500kg
New ORWAK HORIZONTAL mill size baler AUTO TIE 500kg
VIC - Delivers Nationally
In Stock
ORWAK Power 3325 | Baler and Compactor | Cardboard, Paper, Plastic
Hire ORWAK Power 3325 | Baler and Compactor | Cardboard, Paper, Plastic
Price Per Day $16 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
In Stock
ORWAK Power 3820 - 500kg Cardboard Baler and Compactor | EXTRA WIDE
New ORWAK Power 3820 - 500kg Cardboard Baler and Compactor | EXTRA WIDE
$22,278 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
In Stock
ORWAK 9020S | 200kg Multi Chamber Baler and Compactor | Cardboard, Plastic
New ORWAK 9020S | 200kg Multi Chamber Baler and Compactor | Cardboard, Plastic
$30,720 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
ORWAK Power 3320 | Baler and Compactor | LOW HEIGHT
New ORWAK Power 3320 | Baler and Compactor | LOW HEIGHT
$21,121 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
ORWAK Power 3420 | Baler and Compactor | Ideal for areas with low ceiling height
New ORWAK Power 3420 | Baler and Compactor | Ideal for areas with low ceiling height
$20,302 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
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