Pilotair TM420SDL market details

Of all the Pilotair TM420SDL models listed 100.00% have been listed by professional machinery sellers, 0.00% by private businesses. There are currently 1 items for TM420SDL listed in Australia from 1 professional sellers and 0 private businesses.

Historically Pilotair TM420SDL models have been listed between $1,150 and $1,578, averaging at $1,343. The current average price of a TM420SDL listing is $1,578.

Pilotair TM420SDL models are historically listed by sellers in and Air Compressor categories. Pilotair TM420SDL models make up % of historic Air Compressor enquiries, and % of all Pilotair enquiries.

The most common years of Pilotair TM420SDL manufacture listed are: and 2025.

Buyers who enquired on Pilotair TM420SDL models have also recently enquired on:

Search Results
TM420SDL+ Plus Series Reciprocating Air Compressor, 100L, 256L/Min fad, 15Amp plug
New TM420SDL+ Plus Series Reciprocating Air Compressor, 100L, 256L/Min fad, 15Amp plug
$1,435 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
2.5HP Cast Iron V-Twin Portable Air Compressor
New 2.5HP Cast Iron V-Twin Portable Air Compressor
WA, NSW - Delivers Nationally
K30 Air Compressor, 415V, 3 phase, 7.5hp, 200ltr, Electric motor, Aust design/build
New K30 Air Compressor, 415V, 3 phase, 7.5hp, 200ltr, Electric motor, Aust design/build
$4,756 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
K100 Industrial Pilot Air Compressor 500 Litre / 20hp 81.6cfm / 2311.4lpm Piston Displacement
New K100 Industrial Pilot Air Compressor 500 Litre / 20hp 81.6cfm / 2311.4lpm Piston Displacement
$13,600 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
PAC5-RM Rotary Screw Pilot Air Compressor Italian Designed & Manufactured Air End 648L/Min. 22.9CFM
New PAC5-RM Rotary Screw Pilot Air Compressor Italian Designed & Manufactured Air End 648L/Min. 22.9CFM
$9,200 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
K25/21 Industrial Pilot Air Compressor 150 Litre / 5.5hp 20.5cfm / 581lpm Piston Displacement
New K25/21 Industrial Pilot Air Compressor 150 Litre / 5.5hp 20.5cfm / 581lpm Piston Displacement
$3,350 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
K60 Air Compressor, 3 phase, 15hp, 500ltr rec, MEPS appd electric motor, Aust built
New K60 Air Compressor, 3 phase, 15hp, 500ltr rec, MEPS appd electric motor, Aust built
$10,915 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
In Stock
K17PH GX160, 100L Rec 308L/Min, Petrol Reciprocating Air Compressor - power Honda. Aus design/build
New K17PH GX160, 100L Rec 308L/Min, Petrol Reciprocating Air Compressor - power Honda. Aus design/build
$3,021 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
PAC 7.5 Rotary Screw Compressor, 7.5KW, 10 Bar, 10hp, Italian Design
New PAC 7.5 Rotary Screw Compressor, 7.5KW, 10 Bar, 10hp, Italian Design
$10,062 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
Screw Compressor Package 15kW (20HP) with tank and dryer (82 cfm)
New Screw Compressor Package 15kW (20HP) with tank and dryer (82 cfm)
$9,800 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
K50SL Reciprocating Receiving Air Compressor 500L (3 PHASE 10HP) 500LT
New K50SL Reciprocating Receiving Air Compressor 500L (3 PHASE 10HP) 500LT
$6,666 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
2.2Hp Trade Duty Portable Air Compressor - Upright
New 2.2Hp Trade Duty Portable Air Compressor - Upright
WA, NSW - Delivers Nationally
PAC7.5-RM-D/500 Rotary Screw Pilot Air Compressor & Integrated Air Dryer Italian Designed & Manufact
New PAC7.5-RM-D/500 Rotary Screw Pilot Air Compressor & Integrated Air Dryer Italian Designed & Manufact
$13,100 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
K17P Petrol Powered Pilot Air Compressor 100 Litre Air Receiver / Honda GX160 16.3cfm / 463lpm Pi
New K17P Petrol Powered Pilot Air Compressor 100 Litre Air Receiver / Honda GX160 16.3cfm / 463lpm Pi
$2,690 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
TFD22 Refrigerated Air Dryer, 78CFM, ALU-DRY heat exchanger, rated to Aus conditions
New TFD22 Refrigerated Air Dryer, 78CFM, ALU-DRY heat exchanger, rated to Aus conditions
$3,510 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
Screw Compressor Package 7.5kW (10HP) with tank and dryer (38.8 cfm)
New Screw Compressor Package 7.5kW (10HP) with tank and dryer (38.8 cfm)
$8,200 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
K30 Industrial Pilot Air Compressor 200 Litre / 7.5hp 30.8cfm / 871.8lpm Piston Displacement
New K30 Industrial Pilot Air Compressor 200 Litre / 7.5hp 30.8cfm / 871.8lpm Piston Displacement
$4,200 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
K60B Bare Compressor Pump, 61CFM, 4 cylinder, 11KW, 500 flywheel, Made in Italy
New K60B Bare Compressor Pump, 61CFM, 4 cylinder, 11KW, 500 flywheel, Made in Italy
$4,005 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
31001000 Industrial Vertical Air Receiver 1000 Litre Includes Pressure Gauge
New 31001000 Industrial Vertical Air Receiver 1000 Litre Includes Pressure Gauge
$4,850 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
K30SI Silenced Reciprocating Air Compressor, 7.5hp, Honda motor, 3 phase, Aus built
New K30SI Silenced Reciprocating Air Compressor, 7.5hp, Honda motor, 3 phase, Aus built
$7,582 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
PAC7.5-RM Rotary Screw Pilot Air Compressor Italian Designed & Manufactured Air End 1002L/Min. 35.3C
New PAC7.5-RM Rotary Screw Pilot Air Compressor Italian Designed & Manufactured Air End 1002L/Min. 35.3C
$10,900 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
SAVE $1,341
Dental Compressor - DR SONIC - Suitable for 1-2 Chairs - 160-24V-FM-1.5M
New Dental Compressor - DR SONIC - Suitable for 1-2 Chairs - 160-24V-FM-1.5M
WAS $5,331
NOW $3,990 Ex GST
BR3101000 Vertical Compressed Air Storage Tank, 1000L, 1100KPA, Man to AS1210-3
New BR3101000 Vertical Compressed Air Storage Tank, 1000L, 1100KPA, Man to AS1210-3
$4,576 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
2.2Hp Trade Duty Portable Air Compressor - Ute Pack
New 2.2Hp Trade Duty Portable Air Compressor - Ute Pack
WA, NSW - Delivers Nationally
PAC 7.5RMD Rotary Screw Air Compressor, 7.5KW Dryer filter, 268L Receiver
New PAC 7.5RMD Rotary Screw Air Compressor, 7.5KW Dryer filter, 268L Receiver
$14,266 Ex GST
WA - Delivers Nationally
K25-Pump Air Compressor Head 2-Stage Pump
New K25-Pump Air Compressor Head 2-Stage Pump
$1,400 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
FTX012 0.1 Micron Post-Filter for Refrigerated Air Dryer - 1/2
New FTX012 0.1 Micron Post-Filter for Refrigerated Air Dryer - 1/2" BSPF Suits TFD-6 & TFD-10 Refrigera
$405 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
3100300 Industrial Vertical Air Receiver 300 Litre Includes Pressure Gauge
New 3100300 Industrial Vertical Air Receiver 300 Litre Includes Pressure Gauge
$1,800 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
C349A Filter Assembly To Suit Old Version Industrial Pilot Compressors
New C349A Filter Assembly To Suit Old Version Industrial Pilot Compressors
$70 Ex GST
NSW, QLD, VIC, WA - Delivers Nationally
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