Shini SIC-A-R2 market details

Of all the Shini SIC-A-R2 models listed 100.00% have been listed by professional machinery sellers, 0.00% by private businesses. There are currently 1 items for SIC-A-R2 listed in Australia from 1 professional sellers and 0 private businesses.

Historically Shini SIC-A-R2 models have been listed between $8,900 and $9,800, averaging at $9,350. The current average price of a SIC-A-R2 listing is $9,800.

Shini SIC-A-R2 models are historically listed by sellers in and Industrial Water Chiller categories. Shini SIC-A-R2 models make up % of historic Industrial Water Chiller enquiries, and % of all Shini enquiries.

The most common years of Shini SIC-A-R2 manufacture listed are: .

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Search Results
In Stock
AVAILABLE NOW! 12kW; 24Kw and 38kW SHINI Water Chiller - CFC-free Refrigerant Air-cooled
New AVAILABLE NOW! 12kW; 24Kw and 38kW SHINI Water Chiller - CFC-free Refrigerant Air-cooled
Priced From $9,800 Ex GST
VIC - Delivers Nationally
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