About Us
Keech Engineering, a partnership between Tom and Jason Keech, have been manufacturing guillotines and folders in St Marys, Sydney for over 15 years. Between them, Tom & Jason have over 50 years experience in the design and manufacture o
f these products. All machines are fully guaranteed and year in year out reliability is assured.
Why Choose Us?
Durable Quality & Customisation!
We have over 50 years’ experience and manufacture to your specs with the highest degree of accuracy. All of our components are guaranteed to perform at their peak for many years to come. If you are looking to buy metal guillotines or folders in Australia you must browse our range.
Locally Made!
We manufacture in St Marys, NSW, enabling us to supply your machines faster and to keep complete quality control. When it comes to service and advice, you won’t find better.
Outsource Your small or intermittent Jobs to us!
We have the flexibility to accept subcontracts for your guillotine and folding jobs. Lathe, Milling, Welders, Auto-Saw and a Variety of Drilling Machines are available.
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