About Us
We offer a wide range of high quality conventional and CNC machines. The manufacturers we represent have a proven track record and a large customer base in the global manufacturing sector.
Equipped with a highly skilled service team, Qual
ity Machine Tools assures guaranteed service for efficient usage of the machines.
Our Aims:
To develop and maintain a long lasting relationship with our customers, built on trust for mutual benefit. Increasing our customers competitiveness and profitability are key driving factors in the way we run our business.
Our Strengths:
Over 50 years of cumulative hands on experience in the machine tool industry with a good understanding and appreciation of our customers needs. We have a prompt techinical back-up by our machine manufacturers in providing total machining solutions.
Product Range:
We market some of the finest value for money machinery in the world, which includes an excellent range of precision, heavy duty, conventional and CNC machinery to service the needs of precision, general and repetition engineering workshops and also tool rooms and mould makers.
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