- May 16, 2017
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Australia’s Largest Attachment: The OSA RS 12000 Crusher

Between them, OSA and Boss attachments, cut an impressive figure in the demolition industry. Their strategic partnership is aimed at improving safety while reducing costs and waste for their clients.
Their shared high standards have seen them achieve global success. If you stopped by the Boss Attachments stand at the Diesel Dirt and Turf Expo, you’ll remember it being a massive installment full of towering machines and beefy looking attachments. It came as no surprise when they took out the DDT award for best large stand.
According to OSA’s managing director, Roberto Sallustio, the two businesses came together out of mutual respect and a shared philosophy.
“Boss Attachments sell and fully service our entire product line, providing complete customer service with the same high standards that define our mission.”
With equal levels of respect, Boss Attachments director, Livio Pace, shared his side of the story, explaining that, of the thousands of OSA attachments they sell, more than 80% are from repeat or referral clients.
“They are truly amazing products that sell themselves based on their own durability and performance.”
At Machines4U, we recognise this philosophy as Kaizen, or ‘continual improvement’. This is the ethos that drives us, as a whole and as individual team members. So when we see other companies displaying the same methodology, it makes us happy. If your focus is to always be improving as time goes on, you may still make mistakes, but your trajectory will, overall, be on the up and up. And your choices will come from a good place.
The benefits of this philosophy are evident in OSA’s success on a global scale. We got to see the largest concrete crusher they’ve ever made at the DDT Expo. Weighing in at 14.5 ton with 900 ton of closing pressure, the RS 12000 was custom build for Liberty Industrial.
While it kind of looks like a big metal crab, the RS 12000 is a concrete crushing machine with an appetite for destruction. Its clever design gives it optimum maneuverability with a hydraulic system and specialty clutch that provide continuous, precision 360 degree rotation in both directions.
You won’t find the RS 12000 in OSA’s brochure because it’s a supersized custom build. But Livio says they’ve already sold two more and will be flying over to New York later this year to help the company with their installation.