Some things just belong together. Thunder and lightning. Hot days and cold beer. Lathes and milling machines. If your workshop could do with an upgrade of the latter, Machines4U and Asset Plant are here to help.
To celebrate Austech, Australia’s biggest machine tools expo, Machines4U has teamed up with Asset Plant to offer you the ultimate metalworker’s combo pack. Austech is a biennial event, meaning it only occurs every two years (we learned that word just for the occasion). Since we won’t be seeing the expo again for so long, we decided to make the most of the 2017 with this epic giveaway.
Not only is Austech Australia’s biggest manufacturing and machine tool expo, it’s also celebrating its 18th birthday this year. That’s two big reasons to celebrate (with two awesome prizes).
From the 9th to the 12th of May, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre will be transformed into a thriving hub of high-tech machinery goodness. Each year is bigger and better than the last with new pavilions, zones, display areas and machines.
Austech 2017 will feature more speaker areas this year, meaning there will be more opportunities to learn in-depth about the latest advances in your industry. The biggest new inclusion is a vast program of speakers in the Industry 4.0 pavilion. Think of Industry 4.0 as the latest smartphone model: it features all the latest innovations and will, one day, make its predecessors obsolete.
CEO of Austech, Shane Infanti, is excited about these new inclusions and eager for people to get inspired by the brilliant minds who will be presenting at the expo.
“We encourage visitors to check out the products and machines on display but to also hear from and, engage with, the expert speakers who can tell them all about the technology and how it can benefit them.”
Shane says the core value behind the expo is to advance and give back to the manufacturing industry. It is in this spirit that Machines4U joined forces with Asset Plant to create a giveaway for the event.
Asset Plant has also celebrated a big birthday this year: its 20th. Since its birth in the late 90s, Asset Plant has grown to build and supply the widest range of metalworking machinery (and accessories) under one brand in Australia. Owner, Dave Tucker, is as proud of his staff as he is of Asset Plant’s machines:
“We have built and developed our Steelmaster Industrial Brand name over the years which has become an industry known and desired metal working machine, backed and supported by our loyal staff.”
With a desire to give their staff and customers the best experience possible, Asset Plant has always sold directly to the end user, no dealers involved. This allows them to keep prices low and provide personal service to buyers. It also gives them the unique ability to get feedback directly from their customers and then inject this into the creation of their new machines.
This means regular customers get the incredible experience of having industrial machines designed with their input taken into account. If you can make it in to see them, they’ll give you a powered demonstration of most of their products so you can be sure they will suit your application.
Just as they tailor their machine designs to suit their customer’s feedback, Dave and his team selected the lathe and milling machine combo with practicality for the prize-winner in mind. Whether it goes to a metalworking enthusiast or an industrial workshop, the two machines go hand in hand.
“They are brother and sister of the engineering machinery – without one you couldn’t complete the full machining applications required.”
The Steelmaster MD45 Deluxe Milling Machine has all the features of the standard MD45, such as:
Plus some special extras that certainly make it worthy of its “deluxe” moniker:
The Industrial SM-1236A Lathe has also been designed with customer likes and dislikes in mind, right down to the two-tone grey colour scheme. It is a smooth operator and features:
We will be drawing the prize on Friday 12 May 2017, at 2pm, at the Austech Expo in Melbourne.
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