2006 Omega Tandem Tankers
A Trailer :
VIN: 6W9TK10156C120015
Build Date: 09/06
ATM: 30,000 Kg
Airbag Suspension
B Trailer:
VIN: 6W9TK10156C120016
Build Date: 09/06
ATM; 30,000 Kgs
Airbag Suspension
Vendor Advises: These Trailers Were Both Professionally Cleaned Internally And Certified 3 Years Ago (Certification Has Lapsed In Time) And Were Parked Up. They Have Never Had Fuel In Them Since Being Cleaned.
Sold As Is Untested & Unregistered.
**This Vendor Is Not Registered With GST - Therefore GST Is Not Applicable On The Sale Price**
Located At: Roma