CP: 11/2015,Mercedes Benz,Citaro C628,Coach,Automatic,Air,Engine #: 936980C0031223,6 Cyl,Diesel,76298 (Kms. Showing on Odometer),Colour: White,Rego. No: NP(MO4301), Unregistered NT,VIN: WEB9638,GVM: 19000,GCM: 21900,Sold with No Plates
Accessories: Airbag, Fitted with Standard Factory Accessories, 2.8m wide, 3.1m high, 12.1m long
Managed By: Pennington, Adelaide (SA)
Located At: Winnellie
Body: Coach
Colour: White
Transmission: Automatic
VIN: WEB9638
FuelType: Diesel