Big Country Ag Magnum Deep Ripper 5000
The proven parabolic ripper tynes will pull into hard pan ground using less horsepower to improve subsoil moisture, increase soil aeration & improve crop yields.
- Cut Width: 5 metres,
- Total Weight: 8,800kg,
- Tractor: 350+hp
- Operating depth: 450mm,
- Mainframe: fully welded heavy wall 200 x 200mm x 8mm RHS gusseted,
- 11 Bisalloy curved shank 40mm tynes – 450 grade steel,
- 1050mm underframe clearance,
- 500 centres with replaceable points,
- Simple shear pin break out protection,
- Heavy duty 16 x heavy duty 11.5/80-15.3 16 ply ag tyres on walking beam,
- Front hydraulic cylinder ram for depth control,
- Front hydraulic ram to control drawbar,
- Heavy duty draw bar hitch,
- 12 Month Limited Warranty Except Tyres & Hydraulic Hoses.