NEW 1000 Liter Capacity Blow Pot PRESSURE Conveying System :
NSW Safework Certified Pressure Vessel
can convey variety of Powders distances of 50 - 150m
Klausen standard 1000 liter Blow Pot fabricated from mild steel complete with 200 mm Dia inlet and 100 mm Dia vent butterfly valves (both pneumatically actuated with solenoid and feedback switches),
½” “cone”, “top”, and “bleed” angle seat valves (all pneumatically actuated with solenoid and feedback switches plus stroke limiters), 80 mm Dia double disc discharge valve (pneumatically actuated with
solenoid and cylinder position sensors), pressure transducer (4-20mA, loop powered),
level sensor (capacitance, relay output) and aeration cone
Blow Pot mounted on tripod stand
note: Does not include the blower/compressed air system