Innovync is a company with decades of experience with CNC machinery. With offices in NSW and QLD, local spare parts and a team of local technicians, we strive to be the example for excellent customer service.
Cms Brembana range of FORMAXJET Combination Sawjet Range provides for maximum versatilty, a high level of quality engineering and a very comparable price.
The combination of waterjet and bridge saw allows for complex cutting to be carried out and increases efficiency in growth factories.
****The solid construction and local services of Innovync PTY LTD ensures reliability.
****The automatic features of the range removes the need for highly skilled and expensive human input
***Remove The Responsibility From the Operator***
• Automatic system for checking the blade diameter assisting in 45 degree cutting and other
• Automatic dressing station for the blade ensuring a sharp and uniform blade
• Automatic mechanical probe for checking the thickness of the slab assisting in 45 degree
• Laser spot for manual operations
• Automatic Vacuum Manipulator 500. Capable of lifting 500Kg with a cleaning system prior to
lifting the piece, this function makes the machine and completely automatic machine.
• Action Cam hidden inside the bridge allowing recognition of the slab position and nesting
• Air conditioning of the control console and the electrical cabinet
• Rubber table surface assisting in accurate 45 degree mitre cutting
• Automatic lubrication system servicing all the moving parts.
• Automatic abrasive dosing system eliminates any need to change the machines settings when changing from different stone materials and thicknesses.
• Automatic zeroing of the axis after nozzle and orifice replacements.
• Hand held remote control giving the operator complete control over all the functionality of the machine.
• Laser pointer for setting the 0,0 point
• Water nozzles for cleaning the cutting area after the cut while the cut is being made.
• Automatic lubrication system on all the moving parts removing this responsibility from the operator
*****Reliable Structure*****
• 5-Axis waterjet cutting head with KERF technology ensures perfect precision on every material and every thickness.
• 5- Axis cutting head capable of automatic X, Y, rotative and 45 degree cutting
• Electro-Spindle 14Kw 19.Hp designed, manufactured and supported by Cms Brembana
• Electro-Spindle allowing the use of milling and drilling tools
• Tilting table function for easy and efficient loading of the slab
• Helical rack & pinion in X and Y axis supported by heavy duty linear guides ensuring accuracy
• E-PUMP Electric Intensifier Pump 30 Kw - 4130 bar allows for lower maintenance and consumables cost and increases production by being capable of much faster cutting speeds.
• 300Kg pressurized abrasive hopper with warnings for refilling
• Helical rack & pinion on the X and Y axis supported by heavy duty linear guides
• Air conditioning of the control console AND the electrical cabinet
***Make It Easy***
• User friendly E-Cms operating software for the purpose of any employee being able to operate
• the machine with minimal training.
• All safety features including front sliding doors.
• User friendly EasyJET CADCAM Software allowing for a quick learning curve for any novice operator.