DMU 50E - German Manufactured.
2001 Model
Travel-X/Y/Z 500 x 420 x 380
5 Axis High Speed Cnc Milling Machine.
Has been regularly Serviced by DMG Mori
B & C Axis Rotary Rotary
Factory fitted Tool Setter
Visiport fitted to the Door
Heidehain Handwheel
SK40 Tooling 18000 RPM Workspindle-Glycol Cooled Spindle.
50 metres per minute Rapid feed rate
TNC 430 Control
32 Tool Change magazine
Swarf conveyor
Coolant system to provide Standard/Thru Spindle Coolant & Air Blast.
RS232 or Ethernet Program Transfer Facility
$50K Neg. Our work size has increased, used very little.