The SUPERA is a state of the art CNC fiber laser cutting machine with shuttle table and delivers outstanding and fast production performances. Laser power 3kW - 20kW
Table sizes
3015, 4020, 6020, 6025, 8025 and 12025,
The SUPERA is a double-drive gantry type flying optics laser cutting machine. It is designed to offer high dynamics during high-speed cutting of thin materials while having all the technology and know-how on board to produce stable and consistent parts in thicker material, where the maximum thickness is only limited by the output power of the laser. The machine can cut the sheets on two different height levels inside the machine, this allows the automatic shuttle table system to change very fast between tables since the tables do not need to make any vertical movement. The fully covered machine assures a perfectly eye-safe operation.
The powerful low-inertia servo motors with integrated gear-box provide the necessary torque to the high-precision rack and pinion drive system. This robust system offers the highest accelerations at maximum accuracy, no matter the length of the stroke of the axis in question. There is virtually no back-lash and the integrity and long life-time of the rack and pinion is guaranteed by an automatic central lubrication system providing a continuous lubricant to both the pinions of the X- and Y-axis transmission system and the carriages of the linear guides of the machine.
The machine can be equipped with MAX or IPG laser source and a Raytools or Precitec cutting head.