Doosan DA30 Articulated Dump Truck
With a 28 tonne payload and unique design features, this machine offers excellent driving stability, equal weight distribution and superior traction. These features include a free swinging rear tandem bogie, forward-mounted turning ring and sloping rear chassis. Its exclusive transmission design increases power, torque and weight distribution, while the automatic internal retarder in combination with the engine exhaust brake provide outstanding retardation without using the service brakes, greatly reducing maintenance costs over the life of the machine. Exceptional operator comfort is given by the semi independent front axle suspension and the quiet (72 dBA), spacious cab. Safety is enhanced by the unsurpassed operator visibility, while the simplicity of operation reduces driver fatigue.
Engine Five cylinder 9.3L capacity
Max Power 276 Kw (375Hp)
Max Torque 1873 Nm
Transmission 8 speed fully automatic powershift
Speed (Fwd/Rev) 55/16 km/h
Payload capacity 28,000 kg
Net Operating weight 23,400 Kg
Tyres 23.5 R25
Ground pressure front (Loaded) 141 kPa
Ground pressure rear (Loaded) 162 kPa
Body Volume (with/without tailgate) 18 m3/16.8 m3
Braking and retarder systems Hydraulic enclosed oil-cooled multiple discs acting on all wheels, with automatic engine exhaust and internal transmission retarder (Not using service brakes).