Description: 2011 John Deere 7760 6 row Cotton Picker.
Powered by a John Deere 13.5lt Diesel Engine making 530hp, (560max) with 4638 hrs and 2919 fan hrs.
Pro-Drive transmission.
A/C Climatrac Cab with Radio, UHF, Passenger seat.
2600 screen and receiver, / Harvest ID, cameras in accumulator and module chamber.
PRO16 heads (700 hrs since major overhaul), guess row tracker and guess row averager.
Vomax moisture meter, auto greaser, BMC fire suppression, full walkways.
Front 520/85 R42 Duals and 580/80 R34 rear near new.
Pre season work done.
$400K+ GST
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Industry: Harvester/Header