Description: 2023 John Deere N560 Disc Seeder coupled to a C650 (22,905L 4 bin) Aircart.
18.2m (60') Wide , 2 row 5 section bar, fitted with 72 pro series openers 25. 4mm (10') spacing, "TruSet" In-Cab downforce and "RelativeFlow" blockage monitoring.
Coupled to a TBH C650, 22,905L, 4 bin (1,761/9,162/4,581/7,400 L) air cart with:
- "AccuRate" Stainless Steel Electric Meters (8 outlets), "Section Command Pro", "Curve Compensation"
- Tank Scales and "ActiveCal".
-twin fans, load/unload Conveyor with wireless remote, safety ladder & railing.
-900/75 R32 on front and 800/70 R38 duels on rear.
Seeder presents in as new condition with only one seeding done, and is offered for sale as farm has been leased.
JD 9RT590 is offered for sale as well.
Call Ben on and follow the prompts to discuss.
Industry: Seeding/Planting Equip