This is a unique opportunity to purchase a large format Linear drive laser cutting system.
This system has allowed us to win and perform high quality/high profile work
We are upgrading our systems in size, power and speed. We wouldn't have been able to reach this position without having had this machine to get us there.
So, if you have a need for large inhouse cutting or niche contract cutting. Then this is a great opportunity for obtaining some unique machinery.
Can be seen in our Brisbane factory operational.
12mm mild steel
6mm stainless steel
Works Carried Out
Reconditioned water pumped fitted - 2021.
Cleaned and aligned external mirrors – 2022.
Compressed air purge filter fitted – 2022.
Flushed water chiller - 2022
6 x Panasonic boosters replaced – 2022.
Replaced 6 x Heat exchangers - 2023.
Replaced external optics - 2023.
Replaced gas solenoids - 2023.
Installed into New PCU50.3 into machine - 2024.
New hard drive installed - 2024.
Back up of hard drive - 2024.
Spare Parts
1 x Cutting head.
1 x Controller
Servo drives and associated electronics.
2 x lens cartridges
2 x Encoder strips (New)
1x gas solenoid
6 x limit switches (New)
1 x Precitec unit and cabling
1 x Transfer table control