At 61 inches wide, you’ll be amazed at just how quickly you can get through your lawn mowing routine on top of this Liberty Z model – cutting anywhere between 50% and 75% off the time it used to take to mow your lawn almost instantly.
Not only is the oversized mowing deck going to help you make quick work of your lawn care needs, but the multi-blade configuration guarantees a clean and consistent cut – as well as an effortless discharge – that allows you to protect the health and aesthetics of your lawn at the same time.
Unlike the smaller models, the Liberty Z 61 inch mower includes a Kohler 7000 Series power plant with extra horsepower, extra “ juice”, and an easier ability to cut through longer grass without any issue whatsoever.
You’ll still get the same amazing zero turn capabilities that all SCAG lawn mowers are known for, the same top-tier engineering that’s gone into each and every one of the Liberty Z models, as well as the ability to take advantage of the entire lineup of lawn care accessories that have been made specifically for Liberty Z models.
If you want to dramatically cut the amount of time you spend mowing, or need to tackle a larger property that smaller mowers just won’t be able to handle, this 61 inch monster is the way to go!