Engine Driven Welder with More Capabilities to Take On More Jobs
Get the dependability and reliability Miller is known for with the Bobcat 265X engine driven welder.
Ideal for stick and flux-cored welding, the Bobcat 265X has been designed for maintenance and repair, construction and auxiliary power use. Providing industry-exclusive benefits it maximises productivity and weld quality, reduces fuel costs, delivers actionable data, decreases rework and improves job site safety. Plus, with a new LCD interface and pre-set parameters, it provides faster, easier set up for welders of all levels.
Processes: Stick (SMAW), MIG (GMAW), DC TIG (GTAW), Air Carbon Arc (CAC-A) Cutting and Gouging (4.8mm Carbons), Flux-Cored (FCAW), Air Plasma Cutting and Gouging
***More info on the Miller Bobcat 250*** vv SEE BELOW ATTACHMENT vv