The Nu-Way ENERGY STREAM burners represent a new concept in direct-fired air heating. They are nozzle mixing line type modules, available in a straight or cross pattern that can be built into an infinite variety of patterns to suit duct dimensions and application constraints. The basic ES burner head comprises a burner section, integral pilot assembly, spark ignition and either a flame probe or UV flame monitoring. The ES burner package may also include a combustion air fan and gas control train and can be mounted onto a side plate for ease of installation in ducts. Modulating or high/low control options are available for gas and air or gas-only control. A blower would normally provide combustion air for the burner mounted to the burner head or at a position adjacent to the duct. Stainless steel casings and nozzles are additional options to allow operation at higher temperatures.
High output capacity up to 600 kW per 300mm
Wide turndown range
Versions available for fixed air/gas ratios (including stoichiometric) and gas-only control
Modular construction based on nominal 152mm and 305mm increments with tee and cross elements
Minimum service maintenance
Available in package forms with or without combustion air fan
Side or rear air inlet for combustion air fan versions to suit customers’ application