- Number 1: PVC Spread Coating & Lacquering Line comprising of:
Batching Machine, Coating Head, Line Entry, Drying, Web Blade, Drying Ovens from 70 Degrees to 100 Degrees, Cooler, Impregnation Rollers (Machine Number: 99/7542, DOM: 1999) Vertical Oveb, Cooling Ovens, Pheonix Blade, Pheonix Oven 5 m (L), Embossing Oven, Cooling Drums, Slippers onto A-Frame.
To Include: Gas Fired Burners, Water Reticulation Systems, Electrical Distribution Cabinets, Piping & Venting.
- Number 4: PVC Laminating & Coating Line comprising of:
Clip Chain Stenter
Make: Nishimur
Machine Number: 7901
Date of Manufacture: 1972
Coaxing Blade, Chain Bed Oven, Embossing Rollers, Cooling, Slitter, Web Processing Machine (Number: 99/7542, DOM: 1999)
To Include: Gas Fired Oven, Rollers, Gas Fired Burners, Electrical Distribution Cabinets, Hydraulic Power Packs, Piping & Venting, Hitachi 1 Ton Electric Chain Block.
4 x PVC Mixers
180 Kg, 320 Kg, 350 Kg, Mixers Also Include All Ancillary Equipment
1 x Onslow Engineering Manufactured 22 KW Paste Mixer
Serial Number: C2825/2
***** Expectation of a completed Safe Work Method Statement will need to be provided by the successful applicant prior to collection of the assets *****
***** All collection costs will be at the buyers expense, any electrical and or plumbing work to remove assets is at the expense of the buyer *****
Sold as is, untested
Located At: 77 Racecourse Rd, Rutherford NSW 2320