The Power Wave® S350 is part of a modular concept offering many different configurations allowing you to adjust the machine to your welding application. The new platforms all communicate with arc link allowing you to work with all our digital feeders the LF45, PF 25M and PF10M.
All Power Waves® come complete with an ethernet connection, you can get access to the machine by using this connection and our free available software. Software updates are free, our contains the latest version of software including weldmodes. By updating the machine you can be sure that your machine is “up to date” and has a welding performance equal to a new one with the last improvements and additions included.
On one side advanced technology but on the other side robustness, the Power Wave® has it all. The machines are built according to our Industrial standard and prepared to work day in day out as well as two shift operations. The components inside the machine are all protected and all PC boards are encapsulated.
The three year warranty is standard and confirms the quality of the product
Standard processes
- Pulse MIG Stainless
- Pulse MIG Aluminium
- Pulse MIG Steel
- Stick Soft / Crisp
- TIG (Pulse)
Special processes
A new GMAW process that combines the benefits of the wave form control technology with the output characteristics of traditional constant current equipment.
The benefit of this type of control is best demonstrated in applications where energy and penetration must be closely monitored and consistent. The controlled response of the Power Mode® enables the power source to maintain a stable arc despite stick-out fluctuation, even at very low current levels.
What is Rapid Arc®?
A pulsed GMAW process solution designed to increase productivity by reducing cycle time. Rapid Arc® improves low voltage welding at high speeds, as it stabilizes the process for shorter arc length.
With traditional waveforms, the arc length is longer to avoid spatter, limiting the travel speed. With Rapid Arc®, the arc length is kept short and tight, and spatter is avoided with precise control of the short circuit cycle. Rapid Arc® stabilizes the shortened arc length with controlled short circuit cycles.
Pulse-on-Pulse® is a patented solution from Lincoln Electric that uses a sequence of pulse wave shapes to tightly control the arc length and the heat input while welding aluminum. The pulse sequences also result
in a GTAW-like bead appearance.
The high energy pulses provide a hotter arc (longer arc duration), which improves cleaning action at the base material. The low energy pulses allow the weld puddle to cool, which controls the heat input for good penetration.