The separator is used for separating sorting ferrous metal magnetic material in processing goods transferred to conveyor belts. The separator is suspended over a conveyor and various models and options are available depe....
This drum magnetic separator is a sorting equipment of small magnetic material approx. 50mm particle size according to the rotation direction on the surface while rotating the exterior drum. The separator is installed wi....
- Core technology of the shredder facility to maximize of renewable resources. - Installation options to fit the work environment - State-of-the-art design which combines the suction force of an electromagnet and the ads....
This drum magnetic separator is a sorting equipment of small magnetic material approx. 50mm particle size according to the rotation direction on the surface while rotating the exterior drum. The separator is installed wi....
The separator is used for separating sorting ferrous metal magnetic material in processing goods transferred to conveyor belts. The separator is suspended over a conveyor and various models and options are available depe....
This drum magnetic separator is a sorting equipment of small magnetic material approx. 50mm particle size according to the rotation direction on the surface while rotating the exterior drum. The separator is installed wi....
The separator is used for separating sorting ferrous metal magnetic material in processing goods transferred to conveyor belts. The separator is suspended over a conveyor and various models and options are available depe....
The separator is used for separating sorting ferrous metal magnetic material in processing goods transferred to conveyor belts. The separator is suspended over a conveyor and various models and options are available depe....
The separator is used for separating sorting ferrous metal magnetic material in processing goods transferred to conveyor belts. The separator is suspended over a conveyor and various models and options are available depe....
- Around 2 3 of the drum possesses the magnetic field by magnets inside of the stainless drum. - Magnetic axis is fixed, therefore the drum shell is the only rotating part. - Magnetic material is collected on the drum surface. Next, the magnetic material will be extracted in the secondary magnetic drum and discharged. - You can adjust the position of the pole for optimum absorption, carrying and extraction. MECBIO is a full-service provider for the recovery of Organic waste, C D waste, and Plastics. We design, build, and service state-of-the-art mechanical and biological waste recove....
This magnetic pulley is installed with magnet inside the head pulley to separate magnetic materials of raw materials, while transferring from a conveyor to a belt. The pulley is designed in the same way as general head p....
Separates non-ferrous metals such as aluminium, copper, brass, etc. Separates materials into three categories Ferrous, inerts, non-ferrous metals. - Eddy current separator is used for separating non-ferrous metals alumin....
Separates non-ferrous metals such as aluminium, copper, brass, etc. Separates materials into three categories Ferrous, inerts, non-ferrous metals. - Eddy current separator is used for separating non-ferrous metals alumin....
The separator is used for separating sorting ferrous metal magnetic material in processing goods transferred to conveyor belts. The separator is suspended over a conveyor and various models and options are available depe....
The Terra Select W 80 Windsifter is designed for separating heavy materials. For example, stones can be separated from woody materials. Wood and Plastics from construction and demolition waste can be separated and used a....
This drum magnetic separator is a sorting equipment of small magnetic material approx. 50mm particle size according to the rotation direction on the surface while rotating the exterior drum. The separator is installed wi....
The separator is used for separating sorting ferrous metal magnetic material in processing goods transferred to conveyor belts. The separator is suspended over a conveyor and various models and options are available depe....
The SMIM0120 is perfect for separating organic products supermarket returns and or residual streams from food production from it packaging with the organic part being finely ground. The SMIM0120 is a machine that can process large quantities up to 35 m3 per hour. The machine is fitted for separating both dry and moist product. - Packaging remains large and the organic matter is finely ground - Rotating filter drum - Feeding large products is possible - Feeding liquid is possible - 99.5 clean organic output - The large filter surface and filters can be replaced easily - Available in a....