Used & Demo Units on SALE now!!
Access and level up on any site!!
- Fully protected out-riggers
- One button Auto Level
- 6m Platform
- 8m Working height
- Eco friendly electric powered
100% Australian Owned and Backed.
2 Year Warranty
5 Year Structural Warranty
With branches in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth
QLD Access is Australia's longest running Access Equipment company located in Brisbane, and our branches are located in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
Operating since 1981. we have the industry knowledge and expertise to look after all aspects of your Access Equipment needs whatever they may be.
We specialise in Equipment Sales, 10 Year Re-Certification of all Access Equipment, preventative maintenance, scheduled servicing and spare parts.
We offer New/Used & Re-Certified equipment Australia wide from all manufacturers.
With over 250 used Boom lifts and Scissor lifts in stock at any given time and our huge dealer network, we are sure to have your Access needs covered.
Contact us today to learn more or schedule a demo!
Finance options available!